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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Chronicles Of The Sword

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Game Name : Chronicles Of The Sword
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:38:34
Views : 16430

Cheat :
Talk to Lancelot. Wander through all rooms in castle to get acquainted with surroundings and locations. Sometimes an item can be seen from more than one location - if you cant interact with it from one - you may be able from another (for instance a well in Tintagel).

While you do you must find a candle from candlestick in the dining room with fireplace. Light the candle using it on fire in fireplace. Also pick up a lantern from throne room and use it on your candle to make up a lit lantern. At Wilf's stables (Wilf is a man who sits on the barrel) take a scoop and a bucket. At smith's pick up a horseshoe. Go into tower's door (the one with ivy growing to the right of it). There click on the torch - this opens grate. Use lantern on darkness and then enter cave. Pick up mushroom. There is a hotspot in the water (to the left of the board above water) - click on it to get a skull. Use scoop on skull to get rubies from it. Go further into cave. Get a dagger and a cup from altar and then return to the place where you pulled torch. Ascend stairs and use sword on seahorse's eye (precisely). A wall will slide so you can proceed to Merlin's room. Try taking his items and he will appear. Talk with him. He will give you a scroll. Go to the guarded door to Morgana's rooms (from smith its left and upstairs). Talk to guard.

Then go back to castle and go right - there is a tankard under table. Go to smith's and fill it with ale from one of barrels. Also give rubies to smith and then you will be able to get a helmet from the table (if there is no helmet on the table do it later when you will need it). Return to guard and give him tankard. Enter door. Talk to King Arthur. Give him scroll. Return to Merlin, talk with him, go to King Arthur and talk with him too. Now go back to the place where you gave a scroll to King Arthur (pick up a helmet by the way as I mentioned above). Pick up scroll. Use helmet on door. Enter door. Talk with Morgana. Give her a scroll. After cutscenes and talking to Merlin return to Morgana's room and get a vial of dragon's blood from table. Now go and talk with Wilf, Lancelot and King Arthur (one of this talks triggers events so you can leave Camelot after it). Return to the guard which you gave a tankard of ale and talk with him - he will return tankard. Go to the place where the guard of the Camelot gates was, exit. Go up. Go left.

Use helmet on water. Back to the right. Go up. Use dragon's blood on door. Enter door. Right. Go to water. Use tankard on water. After combat (SET DIFFICULTY TO EASY) return to Merlin and give him tankard. Go back to Guinevere's well but go left instead of right. Here take a horn. Go back to crossroads and go right to dragon's cave. Pick up a rock on the walkway. Use horn on cave entrance. Enter cave. Take an egg (this one isnt a correct one). Go right. Take a branch (not egg) from the nest. Use helmet on the path above lava (near middle of the screen) - you fill it with sand. Use helmet on egg and then take eggshell from floor. Return to Merlin and give him eggshell. Go to faerie ring outside of the castle, pick up a red toadstool and use it on ring - you now can talk to faerie leader. Give him a cup. Return with his nugget to Merlin. After cutscene talk with Demidtke the witch. She wants a mortar and pestle from you.

Head back to Camelot - there is a way to left from campfire which leads to the screen with faerie ring. But by the way pick up poppies (red flowers) from the screen to the north of faerie ring. At Camelot go to Guinevere and talk with her. She will give you mortar and pestle. Return them to Demidtke. She wants poppy seeds - try giving her poppies (wrong guess!) and use dagger on bread in inventory. You will get poppy seeds - return it to her. Return to campfire. Go down and then left. Talk with Brother Anthony about honey. Left. Walk inside monastery. Talk with monk near well. Find a spot on the door to stables on the right of the screen and click there - you take straw. Soak straw in well (you need to walk to another screen to do it - walk down). Use straw on lantern and then go to Brother Anthony and use straw to smoke bees and get honey. Return it to Demidtke. Exit her house. After talking go downstairs. Pick up amphorae. Go left. Enter cave. Take rope. Go right. Talk with smuggler. Return to monk near well and talk with him. Give him amphorae. He will give you mead and you bring it to smuggler and he will help you. Pick up shell. Go right. Use sword on snake. Climb up. Use sword on rattles. Go into the forest. Go right to faerie ring (anther one). Pick up red toadstool and use it on ring. Talk to faerie leader. Give him your ring. Exit. Go down some times to find a screen with a road - you need to find a hard rock which is lying near the tree in the middle of the screen just near the road. Go back to the screen, previous to faeries. Go up. Take a pole (the one in the right column, the one with no skull on it - almost the center of the screen).

Go forward twice. Use horn on the left pole, then use your pole on that pole. Cross the bridge. Go to gates. Use hard rock on padlock. Pick up chain from right gate. Enter castle. Go left. After combat & talks go up. Go down. Find a hotspot on the walkway - its a key lying on it - pick it up (if its not in this screen try neighbor screens). Go further into cave. Use key on lamp to the left of the door, then use key on doors. Exit. Exit. Talk with faeries. Exit room to the left. Click on web to get a hair. Go right. Exit to the right of the faerie leader. Use hard rock on the 2nd petrified tree from the right. Pick up a twig. Go up. Enter door. Use twig on urn. You get a vial.

Return it to faerie leader. Give him Morgana's hair. Pick up sword. Go to the room with urn. Go down. Go left. Kill Ragnar with sword. Click on him to get a locket. Open it with dagger. Return opened locket to faeries. After talking return to Ragnar, go further, descend stairs. Go to the cage with skeleton - there is a hotspot just under the 'skeleton' one - very hard to spot but try and you will succeed. You will pick up a vial of holy water. Return to Ragnar and pour it on him.

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